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Dental Sedation

At Thorncliffe Dental Centre, our dentists offer dental sedation options to put patients at ease during long procedures and to calm anxious patients.

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Dental Sedation, Toronto Dentist

What is Dental Sedation?

Dental sedation refers to a variety of techniques used to make patients more comfortable during dental procedures. Our dentists can help determine if a dental sedation option is right for you. 

At Thorncliffe Dental Centre, we do everything we can to help patients feel relaxed and comfortable during their dental appointments. In addition to offering sedation options, we will work at your pace, take breaks when you need them, and provide calm reassurance as needed.

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Nitrous oxide is inhaled through the mouth and nose and calms patients while they remain awake. It can also lessen anxiety, increase pain threshold, reduce the gag reflex, and make time pass more quickly.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedatives are pills or liquids prescribed by your dentist. The medication is taken orally before a dental appointment. It leaves you awake for the procedure while producing a calming effect to significantly relax you.

IV Sedation

IV sedatives are administered directly into the bloodstream through the vein for the deepest level of sedation without general anesthesia. Our dental team will attach you to a monitor so your vital signs can be tracked.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is a controlled state of unconsciousness that eliminates awareness, movement, and discomfort during dental treatment. Complex treatments can be completed while you are asleep in one appointment.

New Patients Always Welcome

We are accepting new patients, don't hesitate to contact us and take the first step in achieving better oral health outcomes.

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